Learning is one of the best engagement activities at the chapter and at the national level. Learning sessions are typically events where there is one speaker or many who speak to the Yi members and others (as may be decided by the chapter) on a topic that is pre- decided between the speaker(s) and Yi.
It is recommended that each chapter of Yi does at least one learning session per month with a person or people who are from various background, be it in arts, business, sports, politics, administration, fashion designers, lawyers etc. This responsibility will lie with the learning chair and co-chair of the chapter who will have to help the Yi chapter do these learning sessions.
Yi learning events are important for chapter's benefit and membership engagement and the Yi EM must be in constant touch with his / her CII counterparts on speakers coming into the city for CII engagements and arrange for an exclusive interaction between them and the Yi members.
The CII itself, which usually does many summits and conferences through the year, can be requested to help with a few speakers for Yi members to interact with them on an interesting topic.
The Yi EM must be in touch with the secretary of the speaker regularly to keep him / her updated of the venue details, number of participants expected, place of stay (if the speaker travels from outside the city), his / her bio data in brief to be received etc. It is important that, if the speaker approached is coming for the Yi event for the first time, that the learning team and the chapter chair meets in advance and brief him / her about Yi with some periodicals and journals so that they are aware of the profile of the members with whom they will be interacting with.
If the press is being invited for the program, it is good to keep the speaker(s) informed on the same and seek their opinions on their level of comfort. Press release to this e□ect need to be made and sent (refer communications)
The final agenda of the session to be sent to the speaker's 24 -48 hours before the program
If the Yi chapter wants to do this learning session partnering with another organization, it is free to do so – but it is important to check the deliverables for Yi and the credibility of the organization. It is strongly recommended to consult on this with the em or CII HoD before initiating discussions.
It is advisable that the speaker be received at the entrance of the venue and if he / she is very senior by age and stature, one of the Yi members or the EM can travel with him / her from their o□ce in the same vehicle. The same applies if the speaker flies into the city from another for a Yi program.
The learning chair and co-chair through the EM can contact Yi national for suggestions on any speakers that they would like to have at their city so that national can also try and touch base with speakers on their behalf. Recently, the Yi National Learning Vertical has released the Speakers Bureau which has a list of around 250 plus speakers that Yi has engaged with across the country.
The Yi national learning series with speakers of eminence will be done at regular intervals and the chapters are requested to make use of this opportunity for their members benefit and keeping their interest in mind.
The “Learn from the Legends” series under the learning platforms is an opportunity for the Yi members to interact with people who, by virtue of being associated with a business house / NGO / Government has contributed immensely to the city and region, eminent enough to be treated as a role model, senior enough to inspire, experienced enough to be able to advise the youth.
The chapters are also requested to organize at least one learning mission to a few companies in their vicinity or to the factories in another city where there is a Yi chapter. These visits give an opportunity for the members of Yi to be at the premises of companies, to be at their shop floor, interact with the top management representatives and mainly to have an exclusive interaction with the CEO / Founder of the company to share his / her entrepreneurial journey. The interaction with the CEO is a clear differentiating factor between the CII missions and Yi missions. If there is an opportunity, the chapter chair / the learning chair (if not both of them, the identified leader of the mission from Yi's side) to make a presentation on Yi for the benefit of the representatives of the hosting organization. Enough copies of Yi literature of the chapter and from national to be carried along by the EM, who must for sure accompany this mission and the delegates. A group picture of the members with the representatives of the hosting company can be taken for records and attached along with the thanks letter to the company, post the mission.
Invites made for learning sessions have to be made very creative and attractive.
A thanks letter to all those who were associated with any event must be sent to them on the Yi letterhead and signed by the concerned office bearer. Ideally, it must be the Chapter chair and the chair of the concerned vertical under which the event took place. The sample letterhead has been shared with the chapters.
Yi as per practice of CII does not give any memento / gifts to the speakers. It is only done during international delegations, and CII has a stick of such mementos that can be used for such purpose. Yi national can be approached for such purposes.
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