Yi SIG (special interest group) is an initiative to enable members interact or engage with each other for learnings ,knowledge sharing or unwinding from regular activities of life and also from regular commitments to Yi.
The SIG would conduct both online & offline activities that would be aligned to the interest the group serves.
Yi National SIGs currently functional are
Angel investing
Runners club
Book club
Inner circle
Investing/financial market
Food lovers
Members can be a part of at the maximum 2 SIG groups.
Chapters may identify topics of interest and start an SIG. It is expected that they share a periodic report to the SIG chair who could advice on continuing the same or even scaling it to a National SIG.
Inner circle
What is InnerCircle (IC)?
A Yi initiative which is member-led, confidential and a peer-to-peer support program. It allows the members of the InnerCircle to dig deep, personally and professionally, in a safe and non-judgmental environment. It is a group of complete trust!
What is the size of an InnerCircle?
The recommended size is 6 to 9 members of diverse backgrounds (no friends /family / business associates)
Will there be a formal structure to the InnerCircle?
Yes, there are broad based guidelines, and every IC will further draw upon its own constitutions so that a stringent structure is followed to enable 360-degree development of an individual. Your IC is your Safe House: A place where one feels comfortable to be their own self, Confidentially and nonjudgmental are key to safe house MythBusters: The IC is not a solution finder, not a social club, networking group, mentoring/seeking help group nor a group to vent out. Its none of the above
How many meetings are conducted of an InnerCircle?
It is recommended to have one meeting a month and one annual retreat internal to every InnerCircle.
Do I need to be trained to join InnerCircle?
Being IC trained is the cornerstone to achieve our objectives. All members will be trained before they join the IC by certified trainers. The training session is ideally a day long workshop. Chapter leadership can further nominate its members to become trainers who can conduct training sessions internally within the chapter under “Train the Trainer program”
What is the cost for InnerCircle training?
At this stage, the training is free to the members, however the chapter will bear the cost of the venue to conduct the training, travel, lodging and boarding of the trainer to volunteers to facilitate the training.
Who bears the expense of the InnerCircle meetings?
The members of the InnerCircle internally divide the expenses of meetings and other events internal to the InnerCircle. The chapter will not be required to earmark separate funds.
Can there be more than one InnerCircle in a Chapter?
Yes, the IC Chair will ensure that no IC is more than 9 members. As such, a chapter is supposed to have more than one IC depending on how many members are interested to join IC
Will there be opportunity for InnerCircle experience outside the chapter?
Yes, as we evolve and grow, various other forms of InnerCircle may be introduced by Yi NMT in due course of time, where in a member will get experience of InnerCircle outside the chapter. Moreover, conclaves, events etc. focused for InnerCircle members is also something Yi NMT will look forward to in due course of time. IC will be your buddy group, your strength and your inspiration from your fellow members. Ideally members will draw learnings from success and failure stories of their fellow IC members within a confidential environment. As such, go ahead and discover the power that lies behind the curtains of joining the IC.
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