Vision of Thalir.
Yi Thalir is the platform that concentrates on the holistic development of school children. To work with schools In empowering and nurturing every child to be independent, safe, happy, inclusive and responsible citizens.
To nurture school children to make them happy and be responsible for society’s happiness at large
To educate children to be safe and ensure safety of people around them
To empower children to be inclusive in the society
To imbibe social responsibility in children by educating Yi project
To help children understand purpose of life for themselves and for people around them
How Thalir Works
Yi will offer sessions by executing Yi projects and Initiatives in E-academic calendar . (Participants– 1st grade to 10th grade for Sessions)
Involving children in our projects and giving them exposure and experience
Yi Chapter Verticals will deliver the modules at Schools i.e Road Safety, Masoom (Std 1-5), Climate Change (Std 1-9) Accessibility (Std 5-9) Entrepreneurship (Std 5-9) Innovation (Std 5-9) Career Guidance (Std 9-10)
3 Steps to implement Thalir
Step 1 : Acquisition
Every Chapter has to get a min of 15 schools on board by signing a MoU . Bigger chapters need to acquire more .
Step 2 : Servicing
We will involve all our Yi projects and conduct sessions & activities
Step 3 : Retention
Thalir schools are our stakeholders , we need to deliver what we have promised to ensure we retain them for the coming years .
Gold Sponsor


Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor